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UPCOMING EVENTS & Educational Sources

Happenings you shouldn't miss in the weeks ahead.

Free Flu Shot Event


Highlighted in “The Spill”-​   A Needs Assessment Survey for those Living With or At-Risk for HIV

Participants are eligible to receive a $20 gift card, delivered directly via courier service. Feedback will be used to improve health and social services.  Survey is administered remotely and responses are anonymous. To schedule an appointment, call (443) 915-4848 or e-mail

This Week in HIV Research: To Sleep, Perchance to Dream

Despite the growing amount of attention the HIV clinical care world has paid in recent years to the inextricable ties between mental health and physical health outcomes, we’ve still got a long ways to go when it comes to understanding the cause and effect of mental health issues in HIV.


Founded in 2002, TheBodyPro exists to inform and support the HIV workforce -- the vast constellation of people working on the front lines of HIV education, prevention, care, and services. Whether you're a physician or a case manager; a registered nurse or a licensed social worker; a medical technician or a therapist; they're here to provide you with up-to-date information, valuable perspectives, and authentic professional voices.


Today we’ll examine new data on:

Higher rates of insomnia among people living with HIV (PLWH)—but with very low treatment rates.

Trends in multimorbidity diagnosis among aging PLWH.

The (super-low) frequency of viral load control loss in the modern HIV treatment era.

The relative appeal of different methods of HIV self-test dissemination throughout the world.




NIH Experts Call for Accelerated Research to Address Concurrent HIV and COVID-19 Pandemics


The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting people with or at risk for HIV both indirectly, by interfering with HIV treatment and prevention services, and directly, by threatening individual health. An effective response to these dual pandemics requires unprecedented collaboration to accelerate basic and clinical research, as well as implementation science to expeditiously introduce evidence-based strategies into real-world settings. This message comes from a review article co-authored by Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health, and colleagues published in the Journal of Infectious Diseases.




From HIVR4P 2021, Welcome Results From 2 Trials of Long-Acting PrEP

Check out this week's literature:


Clinical trial data show that daily oral tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF)–based pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) safely protects against HIV infection across diverse exposures, sexes, and gender identities. However, maintaining adherence is one of the greatest challenges to effective PrEP implementation—a challenge that may be overcome through use of long-acting (LA) PrEP. Here, I share my thoughts on important new data on 2 promising LA PrEP agents, islatravir and cabotegravir, presented at the 4th HIV Research for Prevention Conference (HIVR4P // Virtual). 



Recent Previous Events


 June 3rd


National HIV Long Term Survivor Awareness Day (virtual event)

Hosted by the Maryland Coalition on HIV and Aging (MCOHA)

For more information contact Dorcas Baker


June 4th


Community Game Day (featuring the Mega-Brain Exhibit)

Sponsored by Gillis Memorial Christian Community Church in Partnership with The West Baltimore Drug

Free Coalition and allied partners - RnD Associates, New Opportunities For Women, Inc., The Big Sisters

Club of Baltimore, and Mentoring Males in the Hood

Gillis Memorial Christian Community Church

4016 Park Heights Avenue, Baltimore MD 21215

For more information contact:


June  4th

Bible & Leadership Institute – 2022 Spring Semester (Session 6 of 7)

Classes will be held online, via Zoom

Hosted by the Accokeek First Church of God

For more information: Rose Armstrong / 301.885.8124

Main office: 301.283.2116 /


June  4th


Annual HIV/AIDS Training

by A.M.E. Church International Health Commission


June 7th


Managing HCV/HIV Co-infections

MidAtlantic AIDS Education and Training Center (MAAETC) webinar


June 10th


Unmasked: Reclaiming your Physical, Mental & Spiritual Center

Sponsored by Gilead, Merck, Janssen and ViiV

UMMC - SMC Campus Center

621 W. Lombard Street, 3rd Floor, Baltimore MD 21201

Breakfast & Lunch Provided - No Cost to Attend

Register Here:

Questions? Contact:


June  10th


2nd Annual Pimlico Health and Healing Celebration

Pimlico Golden Garden

3100 Spaulding Avenue, Baltimore MD 21215

Contact Pastor Terrye Moore at 443.650.8844/ for more information


June  15th

1pm- 2pm

Racial Disparities In Substance Use Prevention

Hosted by the Central East PTTC


June  17th-19th


2nd Annual Juneteenth Festival

Hosted by the Allegany County NAACP 7007

All events from Saturday - Sunday are Free for the community.


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